Vision, values and ethos at Bunbury

 A Caring Christian Family Where We Grow Together

Let your Light Shine

Matthew 5v16

Our Vision:

At the heart of everything is a personalised approach to each unique individual as part of our Christian Community. The strong family ethos ensures that all children and staff feel valued, respected and grow in self-confidence. Enthusiastic and caring staff with high expectations, demonstrate care of the whole child. Through God’s guidance we encourage each and every child to let their light shine.


At Bunbury Aldersey we aim to give children a Primary Education they will never forget, rich with diverse opportunites and experiences set within a Christian context. We are very proud of our school and its family ethos - underpinned by Christian Values.

Who We Are…

Bunbury is a single form entry primary school serving the parish and community of Bunbury. Our school is family and community orientated. We have good relationships with our families and our local church. Since 2017. We have been part of the Rural Church Schools Academy Trust which provides us with a strong, collaborative supportive network based on Christian Values.

Matthew 5, 14 – 16

You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, Let Your Light Shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.


The vision for Bunbury is encapsulated in our school motto: “Let your Light Shine”

We are always working to build a community in which everyone is empowered to know the best of themselves and to have the confidence to use their talents for the good of themselves and their communities. We help all members of our community to become resilient to the challenges that they may face both now and in the future.

Our Core Values

Our core values provide a foundation on which we build relationships and educational experiences. They stand as a framework against which we can test the daily life of the school. This is what we do.


Our curriculum development and delivery enable children to develop key skills and wider talents to a high standard. Through strategic investment and deployment, we will reduce the impact of barriers to learning and personal development such as SEND and mental health. Through planned challenge, children will develop resilience and perseverance to enable them to SUCCEED.


We face the challenges of the modern world in a manner that is full of hope. We will educate our pupils to become transformational citizens that affect positive change in local communities and across the globe.


Through first class teaching, high – quality resources and engaging experiences, we broaden our pupils’

knowledge of the world and increase opportunity. Children will develop a curiosity and wonder about the world.


We help our children to develop into reflective and empathetic people. We focus on building positive relationships and enabling children to know what a positive, healthy relationship looks like. We target interventions based on individual and family need, having a positive impact on our whole community’s physical, spiritual and mental wellbeing.


Children take ownership over their learning and behaviours. They contribute to decision making that affects themselves, their classes and the whole school. They learn about Christian and British vales that enable them to become active citizens.

What our parents think about our vision September 2023….

The school lives out its vision by…

Encouraging respect for others, celebrating individual success both academic and social/ behavioural. Parent survey 2023

Giving the children lots of different opportunities to do different things and learn in different ways. Parent survey 2023

Being such an inclusive school and making every child feel included and celebrated. Parent survey 2023

Our vision and values are set within the structure of our Christian beliefs and our new and successful work around The Rights Respecting Schools Award and consequently is underpinned by the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

WE aim to create an enjoyable, inclusive, safe and nurturing environment that allows all children to develop spiritually, morally and socially. – every child is a child of God, made to contribute to our world. 

WE aim to create an inspiring environment, which encourages enthusiasm for lifelong learning and establishes an expectation of high standards – knowing the way, showing the way and going the way.

 Article 29: Children’s education should develop each child’s personality, talents and abilities to the fullest. It should encourage children to respect others, human rights and their own and other cultures. It should also help them learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.


 WE aim to encourage caring, sensitive and inclusive attitudes where individuals feel secure, valued and respected by others. – like Jesus showed us through his teachings 

Article 12: Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.


WE aim to provide a broad and connected curriculum which challenges and develops the potential of each child – as Jesus needed his disciples to support and guide, so we look to others with more knowledge 

Article 28: Every child has the right to an education


WE aim to develop a positive relationship between home, school and our wider community-  as a family – as brothers and sisters.

 Article 3: The best interests of the children must be a top priority in all decisions and actions that affect children


You teach our children essential values that will stay with them for life. They learn important life lessons through Christian values whilst taking into account other beliefs as well. 

Parent Ethos Survey December 2022



Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary and Nursery School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or