Friends of Bunbury Aldersey (formerly PTA)

Friends of Bunbury Aldersey

Registered Charity No 1103933


The Friends of Bunbury Aldersey organises events throughout the school year to raise additional funds for the school to use to enhance the educational experience and development of its pupils.

This year the money raised will go towards an outdoor Forest School areas and classroom.

In addition, thy make an annual commitment to fund the following:

The money raised is used for educational materials, equipment and projects as well as an annual commitment to the following:

  • To contribute £1000 to purchase new books
  • To provide and maintain water coolers throughout the school
  • To provide the transport and refreshments for the annual theatre visit


We rely solely on the voluntary efforts of parents and teachers. It is the generous giving of time, talent and expertise that make the events and fundraising a success. We always welcome new volunteers, to either join the committee, to help out at events or to provide new fundraising ideas. All support is greatly received and every little helps.


If you would like to contact the PTA, please get in touch via our email on

Information about upcoming events can be found in the newsletter below and also on our Facebook page

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Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary and Nursery School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or