Special Educational Needs

At Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary School we work hard to ensure that every child is happy, supported, is fully involved in learning and makes good progress.  We have an extensive range of support systems in place in order to achieve this and our School building is fully accessible by all children.  Our SEN co-ordinator (Mrs Cliffe) holds the National SENCO Award (Masters Level). Our Deputy SENCo (Mrs Ehlen) is currently completing her training for the National SENCO Award (Masters Level).ND Flag.jpg

Mrs Cliffe/Mrs Ehlen offer at least termly meetings for parents and children who are on our Special Needs register so that all stakeholders are fully engaged and informed and are able to work together as a team to support the child's learning and development.

At Bunbury, we strive to create an inclusive, accessible and engaging environment for all. Our SEND Ambassadors are pupils of our school community who meet reguarly with Mrs Ehlen on how we can improve our school and its environment for all. We also hold our annual Neurodiversity Celebration Week, to encourage, inspire and educate everyone on what it means to be neurodiverse. These among many other initiatives, are just some of the ways in which we welcome all pupils to our school and as part of our community.

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Supporting our children with SEND at Bunbury:

Children learn in different ways and progress at different rates and many children need some extra help during their time in education. This support could be for learning, emotions, a physical need or speech and language. We have created a Graduated Approach Flow Diagram which helps to illustrate the differing levels of support given when a need is identified.

If you think your child is experiencing some difficulty, you should firstly, speak to the class teacher and make an appointment to speak to him / her. A First Concerns Profile may be developed together detailing the child’s strengths and current difficulties. Short term targets will be agreed and detail the support that will be put in place to achieve them. The progress will be reviewed typically in 6-8 weeks. An additional 6-8-week cycle of First Concerns may be necessary to determine the impact of the support. The class teacher may consult with the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) to discuss these concerns and help plan next steps where it is needed.

If there continues to be a concern, parents/carers will be invited to meet with the class teacher and SENCO, Mrs Cliffe/Mrs Ehlen. This is known as Special Educational Needs Support (SENS). The child is then included on the school SEN register after consultation with parents/carers. During the meeting the desired outcomes for the pupil will be discussed and how these will be achieved will be agreed. These will be recorded on an individual’s Special Educational Needs Support Plan. These will be shared with the pupil and his or her views will be included in the decision wherever possible. Pupils with SEN will usually have 3 SEN Support Review Meetings each year. Parents, pupils, class teacher, SENCO and outside agencies may be part of this process.

If your child’s needs are complex and this is recognised through the SENS plan and outside agency support in place, the SENCO will guide you through the Needs Assessment Process towards the application for an Educational Health and Care Plan(EHCP). The final decision for an EHCP remains with the local authority.

Further information about our current offer for SEN is available in the download from this page.

The SEND local offer provides information for children & young people with special educational needs and is available at: www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/localoffer

Cheshire East Information Advice Service

Free confidential support and information is available to children and young people with SEND, their parents and or their carers at:



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Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary and Nursery School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or 261332admin@bunburyaldersey.cheshire.sch.uk