Year 4

Level 2 Remote Learning

Hi Y4! Welcome to our online learning page. Everything you need to complete your online learning each week will either be on this page or in our Google Classroom. Please don't worry if you find it tricky at first - like everything, the more we practise the better we will get and I am learning too!

Each day we will have two online lessons using our Google Classroom. Our times are 11am and 2pm and each lesson will last for half an hour. For the rest of the day, you need to follow the timetable in the 'Home Learning Plan' document at the bottom of this page.


White Rose Maths

Week beginning: 1st March

Topic: Spring Week 7/8 - fractions

(please follow the week number given by the school)

White Rose Maths Home Learning (videos)

Worksheets, answer sheets and times tables tests are below. All of your maths worksheets will be on this page each week and we will also do some live maths lessons in our Google Classroom. If you would like me to see your maths worksheets, please send a photo of them.


Everything else you need to know for your home learning for the week is in the 'Home Learning' document at the bottom of this page and all other documents are in our Google Classroom.


Oxford Owl Reading Books

When entering the Oxford Owl site, select Oxford Owls for School and then student. 

Now enter the login details.

Username - Bunbury year 3 and 4

Password -  Readeveryday20 



Files to Download

Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or