Y6 week beginning 18 4 16

Date: 17th Apr 2016 @ 10:05am

Welcome back to a new and busy term everyone. We really hope that you have had a fabulous holiday and in between having fun you have managed some reading and a little revision to keep your minds active and alert! Mrs Badger and I met to plan the term together and talk about your progress. We are all very pleased with how hard you are working and just need you all to keep up the momentum for the next half term. We know you can do it!

There will be a big focus on SATs for the next few weeks but we will also be continuing with our work on 'The Selfish Giant' and in addition looking at the picture book: 'Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?' by Russell Punter and Dan Taylor. This will link with the Queen's 90th birthday and will focus on the city of London.

At the end of the week it is the Queen's 90th birthday celebrations and Mrs. Potter is organising a party in the village hall on Saturday. She would like us all to design a birthday card to commemorate this occasion. Get your thinking hats on as to what your card will look like and we will do these in class one afternoon. Will your card have a drawn picture of her, her palaces, corgis, her family, crowns and other jewellery? Have a think and try and make your card unique, there will be prizes for the best entrants from each class. Bunbury will be having their own party to celebrate her birthday on Friday afternoon. Remember you need to make a hat for the celebration and come dressed in red, white and blue!

As usual we will have PE on Monday and Wednesday so make sure you all have your kit in school. As the term continues, if the weather is good, we may get outside more for PE so it is important that you are prepared for this.

Don't forget to look on our class page for the new Takeaway homework as there are some fun activities to take part in.

Well, have a good week and I will see you all on Wednesday.

Love Mrs and Mrs B 


Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or 261332admin@bunburyaldersey.cheshire.sch.uk