Y4 week beginning 7.11.16

Date: 5th Nov 2016 @ 2:10pm

Hello everyone

We really hope you have enjoyed your half term break so far and that you have a Bonfire to go to tonight. Please remember to follow the rules and keep safe whether you are at an organised Bonfire or one in a garden.

The Takeaway homework looks fantastic, well done to you all we are both very proud of your achievements. Keep this up. Have any of you looked at the new Takeaway homework for this half term and chosen the activities you would like to do?

On Monday we are going to start looking at multiplication and division. It is really important that you know your tables for this so keep practicing. Remember one of the Y4 objectives is that you need to know all your tables up to 12x12. We will begin by looking at the relationship with the 2x, 4x and 8x table. Can you see any patterns? Write them out and have a look.

In English you will be writing a newspaper account of something you have done in the holidays. This was part of your homework so please try to bring it back on Monday as you can use this to plan your account. We will then use this account and your Big Write to peer assess before editing and improving.

Mr. Tillett will be working in Y4 on Tuesday mornings for the next half term. He will start this week and he will be taking you out in small groups over the next 3 weeks to cook an authentic Mayan stew using ingredients they would have grown. Very little meat was available to most Mayans so this will be a vegetarian meal.

We will be looking at the similarities between the Lords Prayer and the Jewish version known as The Shema in RE. The Shema is the first prayer that Jewish children learn and is often put inside the Mezuzah that you made with Mrs. Chatfield. These are then hung around a door. In KiVa we shall look at emotions in more details and how we can deal with our own emotions but also emotions in other people. This is a really important life skill.

Enjoy your last few days of holiday, remember the week beginning 14.11.16 will be busy. We have our visit to the synagogue and Liverpool World Museum on the 16.11.16 and your parents will be coming to talk to us both about your work, progress and targets and most importantly how you have settled in Y4 on the 15.11.16 and 17.11.16.

Love Mrs. W, Mrs C and Miss M


Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or 261332admin@bunburyaldersey.cheshire.sch.uk