Y3 W/B 14.11.16

Date: 13th Nov 2016 @ 9:57pm

Good evening Year 3, 

I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Some of you will have represented the Beavers, Cubs and Brownies during the Rememberance Service at church this morning. Well done. We most not forget the men and women who fought in the war for us. 

In English you are going to be planning, writing and redrafting your diary. I am really looking foward to reading your work - your ideas during the drama activities last week were fantastic!

In Maths we are going to be looking at estimating and using inverse operations to help us check the answer to calculations. We will be using lots of numicon to help us think about the inverse and drawing upon everything we have learnt so far about addition and subtraction. 

In the afternoons you will be making a 'pocket book' to show the similairies and differences between the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic parts of the Stone Age. I was so impressed with your expert learning on Friday! I love showing you how to make different books to present your work - if you would like instructions for your Takeway Homework, just ask! We will also be continuing with our new science topic on Light.

Thank you so much to those of you who have bought in empties for our music. Please continue to bring them into school - we will be using them in the next few weeks.  

Tomorrows VIP will be William. Mrs Walker and I have noticed a marked improvment in the presentation of your work and the care/pride you are taking! Keep it up. 

See you in the morning, 

Miss Cork

P.S A reminder that our Rock Quiz is on Friday 25th November at 2.30pm. 

Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or 261332admin@bunburyaldersey.cheshire.sch.uk