Y2 News 12.2.18

Date: 11th Feb 2018 @ 4:33pm

Week Beginning 12th February 2018

Another busy half term nearly completed! It’s so much better now the nights are becoming lighter.

Don’t forget the Valentine’s Disco on Thursday – 5.00pm until 5.45pm for FS/KS1 classes.

In English we have moved on to a new text ‘Goldilocks and The One Bear.” This week we are writing soundscape poems and descriptions of Bear’s experience in the city.

As Mathematicians we are continuing with Multiplication and Division with a focus on problem solving. At Y2 pupils are expected to

  • recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers
  • calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division within the multiplication tables and write them using the multiplication (.), division (÷) and equals (=) signs
  • show that multiplication of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative) and division of one number by another cannot
  • solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental

Don’t forget this resource too to help with learning number facts/timetables etc.

NumberJacks Timestables

Maths Bingo

As Designers we are continuing to make our own small world role-play of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. As Scientists we will investigate how humans and other animals are born, grow and change, and what we need to survive and be health.

Our handwriting focus is on the following letters – top/other – o v w e x z

  1. phonics/spelling the focus is adding suffixes (ing, ed, er, est and y) to words of one syllable ending in a single consonant after a single vowel. e.g. hum hummed humming, sad sadder saddest. We are also continuing to reinforce Long Vowel words, learning to use a GPC and spelling tricky words.

In RE our unit of work continues to be the Christian Concept: Kingdom of God with the theme of Jesus’ Teaching. The key question is Why did Jesus teach his disciples to pray the Lord’s Prayer; ‘Your Kingdom Come?’

Reading Books
The children are welcome to change their reading book as often as they like but I would ask that you sign the reading record book when they have completed a book at home with you.

Miss Porter and I each half term will continue to assess all the children’s reading again using our benchmarking system. Please bear with us as it does take time but is a thorough assessment of the level the children are reading at.

Our PE days are Monday am (Ms Charlesworth) and Wednesday am (Sports’ Coaches)

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or 261332admin@bunburyaldersey.cheshire.sch.uk