Remote Learning Level 1 absence

Please scroll down to bottom of the page to access remote learning level 1 for each class

Remote Learning will be initiated under the following circumstances, when a child cannot attend school due to:

Level 1 absence:

  • Illness (if child is well enough)
  • Self isolating if requested by NHS Track and Trace
  • Government advised quarantine after a foreign holiday

Level 2 absence:

  • closure of a class
  • full school closure – full remote learning will be activated for the school

It is the right of all pupils and members of the school community to have access to high quality learning, experienced through high quality teaching. In developing these plans the, DFE September 2020, expects schools to:

  • use a curriculum sequence that allows access to high-quality online and offline resources and teaching videos and that is linked to the school’s curriculum expectations
  • give access to high quality remote education resources
  • select the online tools that will be consistently used across the school in order to allow interaction, assessment and feedback and make sure staff are trained in their use
  • provide printed resources, such as textbooks and workbooks, for pupils who do not have suitable online access
  • recognise that younger pupils and some pupils with SEND may not be able to access remote education without adult support and so schools should work with families to deliver a broad and ambitious curriculum


We aim to provide an inclusive curriculum that ensures every individual has high expectations of themselves and others.

Our aims for remote learning :

  1. To provide a link between home and school so that pupils and parents can share information, work and ask questions when needed
  2. To support all stakeholders during the pandemic and uphold our open-door policy remotely. Signpost health and well-being resources and guidance to look after peoples’ mental health and well-being 

  3. To provide an on-line education using Google Classrooms as the main resource; pupils are set work by their class teacher planned from the National Curriculum
  4. To provide daily virtual face to face contact for the teaching of maths and english
  5. To provide alternative work for families not on-line or with limited access (or no access) to IT devices.
  6. To encourage diversity whilst social distancing by offering advice and suggestions, for example daily exercise 

  7. To provide feedback on work completed through Google Classrooms 

Level 1 Remote Learning

Level 1 remote learning will take place when a child is absent from school due to illness, government advised quarantine after foreign travel or advised by NHS Track and Trace. We do not expect children to complete remote learning if they are not well enough to do so.

Level 1 remote learning will involve using the following resources:

  • Mathletics
  • TT rockstars
  • Daily reading
  • Purple Mash/ Mini Mash
  • Spelling practice  
  • RWI speed sounds lessons
  • Takeaway homework
  • Use of homework on website class pages
  • Use of year group maths and English resources on Covid 19 Tab/ Remote learning

Any work completed during a Level 1 absence can be done so in your child’s yellow homework journal.

Level 2 Remote Learning

Level 2 remote learning will take place when there is a class closure or a full school closure.

Remote Planning of the Curriculum

Staff plan work for pupils by adapting school’s current curriculum. Work is in line with the National Curriculum but may need adapting to make it accessible remotely. School acknowledges that not all work will be completed at home, as we need to consider health and well-being and other family commitments. Therefore, staff will prioritise work to ensure pupils have access to a range of work but especially basic skills. Staff will encourage reading daily and younger children will be persuaded to complete phonic lessons via Ruth Miskin and read the RML books free via Oxford Owl.

Interaction, assessment and feedback

Google Classrooms has been adopted by RCSAT as an online tool to allow interaction, assessment and feedback between pupil and teacher in the event of a full or partial closure.


Google Classroom is a free Google App that aims to simplify creating, distributing and assessing learning in a paperless way. Teachers can use Google Classroom to send announcements to entire classes, share resources, lesson notes, PowerPoints, diagrams, and home learning. Pupils can use it to access work covered in class in school, at home or on the go and complete remote learning. Parents can use some of the features of Google Classroom to help engage with and support pupils in their home learning. It is a free resource that can be accessed from any device connected to the internet - laptops, desktop computers, chromebooks, tablets or mobile phones.

In the event of level 2 Remote learning being initiated work will be shared with all children via Google classrooms for Maths and English. This will take the form of :

  • a daily virtual face to face teaching time for Maths and English (including phonics)


Time of daily face to face session 1

Time of daily face to face session 2


9.00 – 9.30

12.30 – 1.00

Year 1

9.30  - 10.00

1.00 – 1.30

Year 2

10.00 – 10.30

1.30 – 2.00

Year 3

10.30 – 11.00

12.00 – 12.30

Year 4

11.00 – 11.30

2.00 – 2.30

Year 5

9.30 – 10.00

1.00 – 1.30

Year 6

9.00 – 9.30

12.30 – 1.00


  • set daily work for children to complete online which will be assessed and individual feedback and support provided for all learners.

Although many safety features have been enabled by our administrators, it is still the responsibility of parents to monitor what children are accessing online at home. We will continue to teach children the importance of being responsible digital citizens and accessing age appropriate material and we appreciate parents supporting this at home with their children.

Learning Resources

A long side Google classrooms children will also be provided with the following further work during Level 2 Remote Learning.

A weekly work plan will be published outlining learning for all subjects for that week. There will be instructions for accessing the daily maths and English online face to face teaching as well as follow up work on google classrooms. There will also be spelling and topic work on the current teaching theme. A strong feature of the work we will be around mental health and well being and we will include these resources too. Staff will upload these weekly work plans to their class closure page under the Covid 19 school closure tab until the end of the closure period.

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Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or